About Us

Here at SurveyFlux, We deliver Traffic Data Analysis reports with detailed information on usage patterns. We process all types of videos in to a highly accurate data reports. We have strong expertise in Traffic data analysis over last 2 years and successfully delivered 110+ projects from US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia and Middle East countries. We apply latest technology innovations in Traffic Data Analysis Services.

SurveyFlux is concentrating on Data Analytics, Traffic Data & Video Analysis. We provide data analysis reports of various Analytics features, Vehicle & Pedestrian movements, Link Count Survey, Parking Survey, People counting and behavior.

SurveyFlux’s strong expertise and comprehensive suite of Data Analytics, Traffic Data & Video Analysis. Our adherence to quality, strengthen our business offerings and ensure complete client satisfaction. We explore all new opportunities, latest technology challenges and anticipate market changes ahead to help our clients competitive. We value transparent business practices and provide best-in-class solutions to clients.